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Cannot Import my rules from the older version of Auto-Mate.

Article ID: 14
Last updated: 26 Mar, 2008

If you are upgrading from the older version of Auto-Mate and want to convert your rules, please use the supplied DB Upgrade tool located on the start menu. Do not using Export/Import as this will not work.

It will open the Database Upgrade Utility. By Default, it points to the database file for the old product left behind after uninstalling.


Article ID: 14
Last updated: 26 Mar, 2008
Revision: 1
Views: 5179
Comments: 0
Posted: 26 Mar, 2008 by Admin A.
Updated: 26 Mar, 2008 by Admin A.
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Also read
document Is it possible to import existing Outlook rules (.rwz files) into Auto-Mate?
document Where are the rules stored?

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