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How to Chain two rules together using counters

Article ID: 40
Last updated: 05 Feb, 2013

Sometimes you need to execute a rule from another rule. For example, you may have one rule scanning messages for a Subject that contains certain words or phrases. When this condition is matched, you want to execute another rule that deletes all messages from a particular sender.

This can be accomplished using Auto-Mate's built-in counters. The first rule will scan for messages containing a subject with certain words. When matched, a counter will be incremented. The second rule will looks for messages from a certain sender AND a counter value that is greater than or equal to 1 (this value was set by the first rule).

Here are the relevant settings for the first rule:


Here are the relevant settings for the second rule:

Don't forget to clear the counter as shown above.

Article ID: 40
Last updated: 05 Feb, 2013
Revision: 1
Views: 4112
Comments: 0
Posted: 08 Oct, 2012 by Admin A.
Updated: 05 Feb, 2013 by Admin A.
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