The new features of Auto-Mate version 8.0 focus mainly on ease of use and performance.
New Improved User Interface
Improved user interface for addresses. The address fields have been placed on a separate Rule Properties tab.
Added the ability to launch common windows directly from the Auto-Mate ribbon in Outlook bypassing having to open the Rule Manager.
Ability to reorder the Rule Manager columns.
Added the last acted on date in the Rule Manager. This will allow you to identify non-working and outdated rules much easier.
Add Addresses to rules has been enhanced. You can add captured domains as well as individual addresses. You can also perform one-click updates without stopping to verify the changes to the rule first.
Rule Enhancements
Added new feature: Execute rules only when I am not interacting with Outlook. This can greatly reduce Outlook freezing to execute rules when you are composing messages and performing other tasks in Outlook. The rules that get deferred are remembered and get executed as soon as the configurable inactivity period occurs.
New action: Create task. This action creates a new task named by the matching rule message subject and the task includes the body of the message either inline or as an attachment to the task. The categories of the message are also copied to the task.
Added filter by newer than a certain time as well as older than.
Improved automatic rule naming. The simple rule templates name the automatically name the rules using the From address and Destination folder.
Added the ability to choose different date formats when automatically naming exported messages. This will allow better support for International date formats.
Added the ability to choose different date formats when automatically saving attachments. This will allow better support for International date formats.
Added the ability to name exported attachments by subject as well as the current options.
Address filtering support has been enhanced. You can easily filter From addresses from Inside or Outside your organization. You can easily add domains to filter. You can filter on partial phrases in the address fields.
The Print action now adds the ability to choose the printer instead of just printing to the default printer.
The export message action adds the ability to auto create folders on your filesystem based on message properties.
The save attachment action adds the ability to auto create folders on your filesystem based on message properties.
The background schedule for running rules can be adjusted on a per rule basis. You can set the rule to scan every 15 minutes to 1-12 hours.
Added the ability to execute a rule on any folder manually on demand. Once you mark a rule as dynamic source folder, you can manually execute the rule on any folder in Outlook on demand.
Rule event statistics
Easily view events for all rules as well as for a specific rule.
Improved Event filtering, sorting and visual display.
Improved Export events to Excel
Multiple language support coming soon in incremental releases.
Other usability improvements.
Outlook 2013 ready.
Import your old rules from v3.x thru v7.x.