Pergenex Software Knowledgebase
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How does Auto-Mate run rules when set to automatic mode?

Auto-Mate runs rules automatically based on the rule type configured.

Rule Type When the rule executes in Automatic mode
Scan messages when they arrive in my Inbox Shortly after new messages arrive in your inbox
Scan messages after I send them Shortly after you send a new message
Scan messages after receiving them or sending them Shortly after new messages arrive in your inbox and Shortly after you send a new message
After I reply to a message Shortly after you reply to a message
After I forward a message Shortly after you forward a message
Scan messages after a period of time in a folder Once per hour, or if the Older than time is set to 15 minutes, then every 15 minutes. These times are aligned with the clock.
Scan messages when they are added to a folder Shortly after new messages are added to a folder
If message(s) do not exist in a folder Once per hour, or if the Older than time is set to 15 minutes, then every 15 minutes. These times are aligned with the clock.
Execute Actions on a schedule Automatic mode not applicable. This rule only runs on the day and time you configure.
Scan for duplicate messages Once per hour, or if the Older than time is set to 15 minutes, then every 15 minutes. These times are aligned with the clock.